Schopenhauer would be disappointed

Chopped off a branch obstructing my way upstairs to terrace the other day. This week, another one has sprouted in its place. Usually I feel frustrated at the menace but on this occasion, after a moment’s thought, I found myself admiring it. There was something respectful about this silent resilience. I know, if I continue to cut, they would still try to grow back. This ‘will’ or stubbornness to survive is so straightforward and powerful. Till its last breath, a plant would just try to do what is expected of it. Grow and further its existence. Simple. I wonder whether we humans would have given up against such odds. This brings me to the question of the will to survive and the will to procreate.

Schopenhauer fundamental premise was that human beings were only motivated by a desire or will to survive. Well, though the will to survive is still strong in most of us, I believe, the will to procreate is waning in commensuration with advancement in our modern lifestyle. And, being busy and short-sighted, the connection between the two (survival and procreation) is no longer obvious. Everything is so positioned, with you at the centre of the universe, feeding this great ego inside you (the ‘I’ factor) that you no longer see the simple purpose to life. And if you wonder whether we can really be so self centered and short sighted in life, explain why we are still heating up earth with rampant industrialization (Carbon credits? My foot!). Are we really worried about generations to come?

Talking about procreation, Mother Nature has done everything within its capacity to make Sex (that traps us to procreate), so enchanting an experience, to make a very strong case for it. From the smallest amoeba, the will to seek ‘immortality’ through procreation has been primal. Yet, with the power of cognition or knowledge, another demon was created. The I or The Ego. It gave rise to this “world-spins-around-me” perception (we Indians call this ‘Maya’). Knowledge and education detached us further from our bearings. And in the process, the ‘will to survive’ superficially survived while Nature seems to have hit back killing the ‘will to procreate’. It is much like an AI robot turning rogue suddenly. Like a perversion taking root triggering it to work against its basic purpose or creator. All species (except modern man) may not be aware that the desire to survive is no different from the desire to procreate. We are perhaps the only idiots who can be comprehend the connection but yet deceive ourselves to think low of procreation.

Look at the sophistications we have achieved. Postponing marriage into late 30s (till it is ‘time’); scheduling children even further (till we are really ‘committed’). Even toy with the idea of adoption. Well, I am not advocating early marriage or mindless procreation but aren’t we taking things a little too far. With more specializations to master and corporate ladders to climb, couples naturally push procreation late into life. Interestingly, they reads tons of books/magazines; undergo counseling to prep themselves for the ‘greatest task’. Once an offspring is ‘delivered’, many no longer have the time to spend with it. The mad rush to secure a future for it would have begun. So naturally, one is put off by the fear and enormity of responsibilities that ensue, leaving the educated and socially well-placed to consider adoption or better, remain childless (Interestingly, the uneducated and socially deprived have other reasons not to be this dumb).

If you believe my observations are unfounded, let me assure you, it already happening. Look at Japan for instance, where, a whole generation has lost the desire to procreate. What they have achieved in the bargain is remarkable. So little resources, so small a nation, so few people, reduced to a dust in WWII, yet, rose to be the second largest economy. And the price they paid for being so workaholic? Well, they have build themselves a unsustainable model, an aging population inching towards extinction. The younger generation is equally caught up in the same illusion.

Again, I am not for procreating mindlessly like birds but, to lose track of a basic purpose of existence seems appalling. All ‘advanced’ societies seems to have put a heavy burden on the individual to succeed in career and life that he fails to understand what he is living for. At the root of all the misplaced priorities, lies the supreme ‘I’ and my life.

I was reminded of a touching scene in 2012. When all is lost for the Indian scientist Satnam, with a huge tidal wave engulfing…what does he do? He looks at his son’s face and leans forward to hold him. Embracing death in the best possible manner. If we all stop to think for a moment…suppose, this is the last moment in your life…what would be the most enriching way to spend it? Hold your little one as close as possible to your bosom and kiss it. Isn’t it everything?

Now, Think about a tree. It’s entire life. All the events in its life. Leaves and branches sprouting. Flowers blooming. Fruits ripening. Everything is for one purpose. To seek eternity through its children.

And when did we take our eyes off from all this magic around us?


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